Capítulo 03

El Mapa 03 - Programa miércoles 26 abril

Donna Regina
- Secrets (Slow Killer, 2005)
Donna Regina - Enemy No-Enemy (Slow Killer, 2005)

Ms John Soda - A million times (Notes and the like, 2006)
Ms John Soda - Sometimes Stop Sometimes go (Notes and the like, 2006)

Calostro - Los moteles de la Estación Central (Ep Radio Muy Moderna, 2005)
Calostro - Columpio (Ep Radio Muy Moderna, 2005)

Mostro - Alza la mano para cazar pelotas con puntas (HR=01, 2003)
Mostro - Apreciación básica del morse intestinal (HR=01, 2003)

Ninja Highschool - By purpose by not plan (Young Adults Against Suicide, 2005)
Ninja Highschool - It's all righ to fight (Young Adults Against Suicide, 2005)

The Russian Futurists - When the sun drops like an anvil (Let's get ready to crumble, 2003)


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